
美國謬思設計獎 MUSE Design Awards|House of Wisdom

美國繆斯設計大獎(Muse Design Awards)是由國際獎項協會International Awards Associate (IAA)所舉辦的國際設計比賽,分為建築、室內、時尚、運輸、產品、包裝、照明、概念、景觀、家具設計十大組別,集結全球跨領域設計思維,以發掘全球設計繆思為宗旨,成就未來設計新潮,經過重重評選,最終僅有具備頂尖美感與概念的作品。

恭喜 House of Wisdom 榮獲 MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner


This case is a retirement housing planning case. The older couples hope to make the living space at home more flexible, maximize the lighting space, and improve the overall space quality to achieve a hotel-like comfort and texture. The designer creates a clean space outline through straight lines and dividing vertical planes, and cleverly inserts circles and curves to balance the sharpness in the space. The open public space, combined with the guest dining room, uses intuitive design techniques to use styles to create a high-quality and comfortable retirement life.

獲獎作品完整報導 :House of Wisdom 全案完整圖片:陳香

台中 分子室內裝修設計

住宅空間設計 / 商業空間設計 / 辦公空間設計 / 建築設計

